1. Name
The name of the Network shall be the Asia Mobility Humanities Network (AMHN)
2. Aims
AMHN is a research network focused on enhancing research, teaching and academic exchange about Mobility Humanities studies, particularly centered on Asia. The network provides a forum for academic exchange for scholars with an interest in any aspect of mobility humanities studies in Asia and acts as an umbrella organisation for members working across a wide range of disciplines and geographies. AMHN works with research councils, education centers, partner networks and other bodies to represent the interests of Mobility Humanities on research matters, teaching and learning within the field.
3. Membership
Interested individuals and bodies may apply for membership through our website. Scholars and students are invited to join our members free of charge.
Corporate membership is open to institutions with an academic interest in Mobility Humanities Studies, and to organisations outside of further and higher education. Corporate members must be nominated by two full members of the Network and pay an annual subscription fee.
4. Management and Administration
The administration of AMHN will be carried out by the Academy of Mobility Humanities at Konkuk University.
AMHN will be managed by a steering committee, network director and network manager. The steering committee will be made up of advisors, who will serve the committee for a period of three years. At the end of the term, an advisor’s tenure can be renewed subject to the Network Director’s discretion.
The Steering Committee, Director and Network Manager will have the right to vote on AMHN’s activities at an annual General Meeting. It is envisaged that the Network’s annual activities will be discussed and planned 12 months in advance where possible.
AMHN’s management group will meet once a year with regular contact through mobile means of communication at other times.
5. Duties
The Administrative centre for the Network will be responsible for supporting the Network through activities to be stipulated in a contractual agreement, including: developing and maintaining a website, developing and maintaining a membership database and mailing list, accounts, and providing support for the Network’s activities.
The Network Director will chair AMHN meetings and will represent the AMHN in discussions with external bodies such as the research councils and Higher Education authorities. The Director is also responsible (either directly or through an appointed, named representative) for overseeing the process of AMHN’s financial administration in conjunction with the Administrative Centre, and for coordinating approval of membership applications.
Advisers will make themselves available to attend an annual general meeting where the group will create a 12-month network activity plan.
Advisers are expected to participate in the expansion of the network through academic collaboration, research, and exchange. It is envisaged that network advisers will offer comment, advice, and feedback to members and peers on specific points of reference relevant to their field of expertise in a timely fashion. Whilst it is not a condition of becoming an Adviser, where possible, advisers should facilitate formal relationships between their Institutes and AMHN through establishing a formal Memorandum of Understanding with Konkuk University. Further information and guidance will be provided by the Network Manager and Network Director upon request.
The Network Manager will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day administration of the Network in conjunction with the Administrative Centre, for the production of an annual report on the activities of the Network, and for the production and circulation of the minutes of AMHN meetings. The Network Manager (either directly or through an appointed representative) will be responsible for the upkeep of the AMHN website in conjunction with the Administrative Centre, and for the circulation of notices relevant to the activities of the Network through its mailing list.
6. General Meetings
There shall be an Annual General Meeting at a time and place determined by the Administrative Institution, normally in association with the annual conference. The Annual General Meeting will provide the opportunity for the election of new advisers and members of the steering committee and for the receipt of a report on the activities of the Network.
A minimum notice of 28 days will be given to all members. Travel and accommodation expenses to attend General meetings will be covered by the Network. This benefit is limited to all members of the Network management team as outlined in Article 5.
7. Annual Conference and Other Activity
The Network will normally arrange an annual conference as an opportunity for scholarly exchange and reflection on issues relevant to Mobility Humanities Studies, particularly in Asia. Additional conferences, workshops, and other meetings may be arranged by the Management or by Special Interest Groups/Research Groups within the Network.
8. Constitutional Amendments
This Constitution can be amended to reflect changes in the policies, regulations, and guidelines of the Administrative Center at any time. The Network Director will ensure the management committee and members are informed of any proposed changes in a timely fashion.