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2019 GMHC Special Session: AMHN Roundtable


Updated: Dec 9, 2019

Date and Time: October 26, 2019 at 4:00 pm

Place: New Millennium Hall Ugok International Conference Room at Konkuk University

The 2019 GMHC sponsored a special session: AMHN Roundtable, moderated by Inseop Shin (Academy of Mobility Humanities), wherein participants and discussants addressed the significance of mobility studies, entitled “Mobility Becomes… : Constellation of Humanity, Technology, and Geography.”


David Bissell (University of Melbourne)

Jinhyoung Lee (Academy of Mobility Humanities)

Jooyoung Kim (Academy of Mobility Humanities)

Maria Luisa Torres Reyes (University of Santo Tomas)

Noel Salazar (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

Peter Adey ( Royal Holloway University of London)

Taehee Kim (Academy of Mobility of Humanities)

Weiqiang Lin (National University of Singapore)

Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi (Ritsumeikan University)

Individual Presentations:

David Bissell, "Creating Distinctiveness for a Mobility Humanities"

In this presentation, he explored the key features of mobility studies as it has been working with a wide range of studies and approaches from humanities and philosophy to diaspora studies, digital technologies, and international mobilities networks.

Peter Adey, "The End: Evacuation, Reproduction, and (inter)Planetary Mobilities"

His presentation did seek more sustainable modes of life by enriching discussions on planetary evacuation mobility characterized as a lure with which to think through evacuation’s relationship to the apocalyptic.

Weiqiang Lin, "Methodology, Analysis & Practice of Mobility Humanities"

In his presentation, he reflected on the dialectic of mobility humanities and mobility planning by addressing the viable collaboration of humanities, sociology, and geography.

Jinhyoung Lee, "Colonial Mobility Studies"

His presentation attended the combination of mobilities and colonial studies so as to unconceal the mechanism of imperialist biopolitics which is based on developed mobilities.

Yasuko Hassall Kobayashi, "Mobility Studies in a Non-English Speaking Area"

In this presentation, she examined the question of how Mobility Studies can be developed without placing mobilities in Asia, and in particular of non-English speaking part of Asia, as mere cases of the Anglophone ‘global’ academic discourses.

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